Monday, March 19, 2012


The discussion of Blake Edwards “10” is not a topic which I wish to join in due to the over saturation of the rest of the class’ interest and therefore I choose to discuss the topic of reading which you have assigned for this week’s required reading: The History of Sexuality.  From what I have gathered the three main factors in enforcing the evolution of sexuality have been cannon law, christian pastoral law and civil law. Each in it’s own way has defined what is reasonable or legal and what is not. Given the fact that we are discussing the evolution of sexuality it is a taboo subject to say the least even in 2012. Granted that there is an obvious difference between what is termed cannon law, christian pastoral law and civil law there is a similar correlation between them.  There are two major staples of the west when governing sexuality - the law of marriage and the order of desires. I think of present day thinkers on the subject and the first name which comes to my mind is Rick Santorum. The man clearly exemplifies this way of thinking. What is more frightening is his stance on homo sexuality. He discriminates against anyone who does not fit what he considers to be a norm - namely hetero sexually married couples. I must add that I am a Catholic man who finds his not mere inability but his desire to exclude a person from their rights based solely on their sexual preference is quite scary. I think one pundit put it into perspective - Rick Santorum, I keen mind for the thirteenth century. It should be noted that this way of thinking is by no means an act of originality on the part of Santorums.’ Quite the contrary - this has been in effect in either a direct or passive way since the inception of the bible. While I read the bible - I do not prescribe a literal translation into my life and take even greater care as to not prescribe upon an other person’s life for I find that it is highly offensive behavior. I suppose that Ron Paul was on to something when he stated that we should practice the golden rule found in that holy of holy books - do on to others as you would like to have done to you. Perhaps it is the act of sexuality itself which people like Santorum fear. Bill Maher refers to it as “pleasure fucking” - a sport which he refuses to do away with. It is not illeagal to have sex. It is frowned upon by cannon law and pastoral christian law and therefore becomes taboo. I do not seek to present answers but what if we as a society did away completely with marriage. No one can get married. We as a society seek to take this right away from homosexual people. perhaps it would be frowned upon to take a right away from a person when you face the same possible fate. Just a thought.

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