Oh what shall I discuss today? Perhaps the fact that I watched Annie Hall last night is why I am flustered. Perhaps it is the fact that there was a scene where an adult school teacher was called out for being a ego centric fool who feels that he is master of his micro cosmic universe from which he rarely deviates. Perhaps it is the fact that I am irritated with the fact that there is no clear thesis in this class. Perhaps I am irritated with the fact that terms are rarely defined in this class. Terms are introduced and students are asked to define them. This classroom situation could be likened to an episode of the Twilight Zone. I find myself waiting for Rod Serling to appear and tell me that I have been partaking in an episode where the students run the class and the Teacher asks questions in a buffoon like manner. There are no clear answers. Only questions. No defined parameters. Only loose stated interpretations. “Don’t worry about sticking to the primary text. Show me that you understand the theories.” Then when papers are turned in - another perspective rears its ugly head. “This is not what I wanted.” Of course it is not what you wanted. You don’t know what you want. That much seems clear. Perhaps the truth can be found in the works of Derrida? Maybe truth is so relative that nothing actually matters? Right? This is the theory which you introduced to the class, right? Maybe a student were to take this idea and approach his midterm with this perspective? Or maybe, they gave enough thought to the midterm to think outside the box Yes, Jerry Maguire does not work in a factory. I get it. You made a great point. But he does package deals. He does work his clients like a factory machine with the same bull shit and smile with slight variations as needed for each. Correlations could be made in the factory using Jerry as a prime example. I was thinking outside the box. Practice it sometime. It is nice. And another thing. Why do you think that only five to six people actually participate in the class? The rest of the class is silent. Waiting for the class to end. Hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second. What does that say about the class itself? Is it interested in the material provided? Does the teacher share the material in a clear and concise manner? I do not have the slightest clue. Perhaps this should be explored before the next semester starts? Just a thought.
Perhaps you feel that you are being disrespected with this blog? Maybe those thoughts are justified. But no more than the disrespect I felt when you accused me and another student of being high in your class. Why? Because I laugh in class? Because I am a jovial person? Are you that suspicious of another person’s happiness that you feel the need to accuse them of such an outlandish act? I am a father. For that reason alone, I do not do drugs. I am explaining myself not for your information but because you took it upon yourself to attack my integrity. I allowed this to go as I understand that bringing a dean into the situation would have been stupid and could have caused you to be reprimanded. I chalked it up to you having a bad moment. But then you wrote on my mid term exam “have you written a paper before?” That is the second time I feel that you have singled me out to make what I deem a personal attack. I didn’t ask for a take home exam. You changed the rules the day of the exam. Were I in class - I would not be able to use citations. Granted, I could have used citations. I chose not to do so for the afore mentioned reason. Is that a justifiable reason on my part, probably not. But I don’t even what I have earned in this class so in a post structuralist sense - it doesn’t matter.
Not very cool. Respect is not given and maintained through reciprocation. Ask yourself, why is most of the class silent throughout the class? Have you actually asked your students if they understand what you are teaching ? I have. In short, attitude reflects leadership. So far, leadership is lacking. But like Derrida would say, truth is relative, right?
Citations will be available upon request, sir.
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